Sacred Women’s Circles

Women have gathered in circles throughout the ages to collaborate and co-create community. Primitive women gathered in caves to paint their stories and desires on the walls. In the Middle Ages, women gathered in circles to pray and care for the sick and poor. In the early 1900s, women gathered together to ensure women’s right to participate in public life, and during the World Wars, women collaborated to work in factories toward the ‘war effort’, to write letters and send parcels to boost the morale of soldiers fighting in the war, and to maintain the home front.

In our busy lives today, the opportunities for women to come together, learn and share are few and far between. Life NRG’s Sacred Women’s Circles are space and time for reflection, contemplation, sharing and truly being heard.

For more information on Sacred Women’s Circles, or to organise a circle for a group of women in your organisation or community please click here.
